GVF532 Core Up-linking Skills

When you have completed this course, you will understand fundamental theory of satellite communications important for operators of manually-controlled earth stations; how to calculate IF and RF frequencies and operate a spectrum analyser; how to use a spectrum analyser to identify the correct satellite; how to accurately point the antenna using the beam balance method; and how to work with a Satellite Access Centre to align cross-polarization.

This course is part of a training sequence tailored for broadcaster1 certification examinations, which are implemented and hosted by GVF. If you have already taken courses GVF530 and 531, you will be ready to attempt the knowledge tests and simulator skills tests in the Basic Technical Operator (BTO) exam. (Note that you must enrol in certification exams separately, or you may choose a training/exam combination from the GVF course catalogue.)

Prerequisites: GVF530 Core skills for Mobile Satellite.

Terminal Operators – Preparation for BAPO Certification and GVF531 Access Procedure Skills – Preparation for BAPO Certification.