
Talia has developed a portfolio of technologies, which allow government departments and agencies to deliver secure and confidential information across diverse frequency bands.

Talia’s government solutions provide secure, on-demand connectivity supporting mission-critical operations to defence, intelligence and government organization.

From the battlefield to the briefing room, the command centre to the first responder, Talia provides government approved VPN solutions over satellite networks with guaranteed performance and support of real-time applications such as VoIP and streaming video.

Emergency Management

Communications and access to information is critical in any emergency situation. Talia’s emergency management solution provides high-speed IP communication via satellite, enabling first response, medical or emergency teams can have full communication capabilities, whether the emergency is in a densely-populated urban area where the infrastructure is damaged, or a remote and isolated location where no infrastructure exists.

Talia provides:

  • Fast deployment on short notice
  • Availability in a wide variety of weather conditions
  • Portable equipment (size and weight)
  • High bandwidth reliability
  • Built-in encryption ensures data security
  • Central management
  • Low power requirement



Developments in IP networking and the Internet have created the perfect environment where telephony providers no longer have to rely on Publicly Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). By combining satellite technology with Voice over IP (VoIP), providers have the freedom to provide end-users with dependable services. VoIP based telephony provides versitle solutions for customers with remote locations who require unified communications.


Video Monitoring and Surveillance

Talia provides end-to-end IP access solutions, that support video monitoring and surveillance applications, anywhere in the world, including the most remote locations and harshest environments. This solution has been designed to be centrally controlled, be 100% secure, reliable and available on short notice.

Talia’s remote broadband network solution provides:

  • High bandwidth, reliability, and security
  • Efficient allocation of network bandwidth
  • On-demand video streaming
  • Central network management
  • Solutions support star, mesh or hybrid configurations
  • Real Time Traffic Management features


Voice and Video Conferencing

Voice and video conferencing solutions enable organizations to conduct meetings with colleagues and clients globally, transmitting and receiving video images and providing training and distance learning between locations around the world.

Talia’s conferencing solutions provide:

  • Star, mesh or hybrid configurations to insure communications capabilities
  • Easy interoperability with terrestrial networks
  • Support for real-time applications like VoIP
  • Compatible with existing applications
  • Video streaming from any location
