Talia’s Iraq Office Achieve Level 3 IRATA Training to Offer Rigging Services to the Middle East and Africa

July 22, 2016

IRATA Rope access

London, UK Talia, a leading telecommunications company serving the Middle East, Africa, Europe and America, are proud to announce that their Iraq Office has achieved level 3 IRATA certification.

The IRATA course showcases safety responsibility when using rope access for rigging purposes, such as installing 4G/LTE antennas at height, with increased speed, minimal disruption and reduce overall costs.

The IRATA level 3 certificate testifies that our engineers are capable of site supervision which involves rope access, knowledgeable in legislation, a comprehensive expertise in rescue techniques, knowledgeable of IRATA level 1 and 2 and qualified in the IRATA guidelines, requirements and certification scheme. Furthermore, to qualify for the IRATA level 3, our engineers have to have formal first aid training so every engineer has passed the UK’s First Responder Medical Training under HSE authority.

Level 3 is the highest certificate IRATA can offer. Talia engineers are now able to use and supervise rope access to safely implement riggings and promptly fix faults should they occur. The certificates further cements Talia’s dedication to the safety of their employees while continually improving the convenience and experience for customers.

All our engineers are trained in installation and replacement of antennas for the implementation of 4G/LTE technologies. With this implementation, other additions in infrastructure can be necessary. Our teams are experienced with designing and application of innovative solutions to avoid cost and delays.

About Talia

Talia is a top-tier provider of Internet, voice, and video services and is recognised as a market leader throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Experts in satellite, voice, video, and broadcast communications, Talia provide global network coverage, enabling enterprises, PTTs, mobile carriers, and broadcasters to connect to the largest global meet me room, and linking the major regional telecoms hubs around the world.

With headquarters in the UK, Talia operates their own teleport facility in Germany along with support and sales offices in the US, UAE, Nigeria, South Sudan, Uganda and Iraq. Talia ideally positioned to meet the demands of today’s global market.

Talia provides solutions for enterprises, media companies, NGOs, and government agencies.

To find out more, visit our website: www.talia.net/about-us